Stay tuned for the full agenda and list of international expert speakers to be revealed in the coming weeks.
Dr. Ryan Molis (US) General Dentist, Founder of Molis Coaching, Invisalign Expert
Dr. Ryan Molis is an early adopter of Invisalign treatment and a solo practitioner with a single 4 surgery practice, which grew from $600,000 to $5 million per year with Invisalign treatment at the center of this growth. With over 24 years of unparalleled success and 8,000 lifetime cases to date, Dr. Molis has become the #1 solo-practitioner Invisalign provider in the world. After being inspired to help other general dentists learn the positive impact of a single, simplified approach to integrating Invisalign products into their practices, Dr. Ryan created Molis Coaching.
Dr. Sandra Tai (Canada) Specialist Orthodontist, Author, Invisalign Expert
Dr Sandra Khong Tai is Clinical Assistant Professor in Orthodontics at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, as well as Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of the Pacific, San Francisco, USA. Dr Sandra Tai is a Diplomat of the American Board of Orthodontics. She has been an Invisalign certified orthodontist since 2000 and is currently an Invisalign Blue Diamond Plus Provider who has treated 5,000+ cases. Dr Tai is the author of the textbook “Clear Aligner Technique”. (Quintessence Publishing 2018) which has been translated into 12 languages around the world. She has authored a chapter on Clear Aligner Treatment in the 7th edition of Graber’s Orthodontics (Elsevier 2023). She is a reviewer for several orthodontic journals and lectures globally on clear aligner technique. Dr Tai frequently tests new innovations in aligners and she is a member of the North American Advisory Board, as well as Align Tech Global faculty.
Dr. Stephane Reinhardt (Canada) General Dentist, Director of Education at The C.L.E.A.R INSTITUTE, International Speaker
Dr. Stéphane Reinhardt, DMD, graduated from the University of Montréal in 1992. He then started his general practice in Brossard, Quebec, Canada, where he developed a particular interest in orthodontics.
In 2004, he introduced clear aligners into his practice and quickly became passionate about the technique. In 2015, Dr. Reinhardt became the first Canadian dentist to win the Summit Shootout held in Las Vegas. With over 1,500 cases completed, he is now a recognized expert and a key opinion leader in the field of clear aligners. Dr. Reinhardt is the founder and Director of Education at The C.L.E.A.R. Institute, an organization dedicated to empowering dental professionals to excel in clear aligner therapy. He is also the co-creator of the Masters of Clear Aligner (M.O.C.A.) program, which has become a benchmark for clear aligner education worldwide.
Dr. Katarzyna Becker (Poland) Specialist Orthodontist, Lecturer at the University of Bielsko-Biała, Invisalign Expert
Graduate of the Medical University of Silesia. She obtained the German medical and dental approbation. She completed her 1st degree specialisation in general dentistry and 2nd degree specialisation in orthodontics.
She is President and founding member of the Polish Aligner Academy and also an active member of the Polish Orthodontic Society, WFO, EAS, AAO. She was one of the first dentists in Poland to start using the Invisalign system. Invisalign speaker since 2019.
She teaches post-graduate students working towards their specialization in orthodontics. She is a lecturer at the University of Bielsko-Biala.
Member of the Align Advisory Board and the Editorial Board of the Journal of Aligner Orthodontics, Member of the European Board of Aligner Orthodontics (2024).
Dr. Raman Aulakh
Raman Aulakh BDS MSc Orth Dip ClinEd, is a specialist orthodontist working in private practice and a post-graduate tutor at Kings’ College on the MSc Aesthetic Dentistry Programme. Dr Aulakh is the founder of the SAFE orthodontic education programme.
He is an Invisalign Platinum Elite Doctor and has been a key opinion leader for Align Technology since 2013. Dr Aulakh has been an Invisalign provider since 2008 and is author of the Invisalign Masterclass Series. Dr Raman Aulakh is an international speaker for Align Technology for Invisalign and Invisalign Go of the European Board of Aligner Orthodontics (2024).
Prof. Teresa Pinho (Portugal) Specialist Orthdontist, Author, Invisalign Expert
Full Professor at IUCS-CESPU
Researcher, and member of the coordination at UNIPRO, IUCS-CESPU
Specialist in Orthodontics
Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry
PhD in Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, University of O’Porto
Certificate of excellence in orthodontic clinical practice (FBO 2009)
European Board of Aligner Orthodontics (EBAO- EAS 2024)
President of the Portuguese Society of Orthodontics (2019-2022)
Speaker Invisalign (since 2021)
Almost 200 articles published (Clinic and Science)
Dr. Emmanuel Dumu (Belgium) Specialist Orthodontist, Entrepreneur, Invisalign Expert
Dr Emmanuel Jr. Dumu, an esteemed international speaker and orthodontist, has graced stages across numerous African and European countries, captivating audiences with his expertise in orthodontics and communication. Notably, Dr. Dumu is the creator of the Four Animals assessment, a cornerstone of his innovative approach to team management coaching of which he is certified. With a passion for clear aligner therapy, he has contributed significantly to the field, particularly through his practice Pebs Orthodontics in Brussels. As a certified Invisalign practitioner, Dr. Dumu specializes in dentofacial orthopedics and orthodontics for patients of all ages, imparting his expertise and wisdom to both professionals and students alike. Leading by example, he not only educates on orthodontic techniques but also delves into communication strategies, enriching the academic landscape as the head of the orthodontics course at Haute Ecole Libre de Bruxelles-Ilya Prigogine. Dr. Dumu's academic journey began with a degree in dental science from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, culminating in the establishment of two thriving orthodontic practices in Brussels. One of these practices has been distinguished as the first Invisalign Center of Excellence in Belgium, a testament to Dr. Dumu's dedication and expertise in the field.
Dr. Henriette Lerner
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Dr. Roberta Lione
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing, elit. Sapiente vero totam, id aliquam itaque, quisquam. Eius voluptatibus sunt nihil odio nulla laboriosam vitae ab velit quam, omnis explicabo facilis voluptatem!
Dr. Thomas Drechsler
Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio aut dolore alias laborum placeat fugit non quibusdam atque, similique incidunt cum natus ipsa dolorem, distinctio nesciunt sit perspiciatis. Quos, illo.
Dr. Mehy Lo Presti (Dentorama)
Dr. Mehy Lo Presti is a dentist, curator, and disruptor in the dental industry. As co-founder of the Global Dental Collective, he creates bold, immersive experiences that challenge the status quo of dental education. His events blend theatre, debate, and storytelling, making dentistry engaging, dynamic, and unforgettable.
Dentorama is the ultimate theatrical dental debate, where ideas clash, insights spark, and the audience plays judge. Curated by the Global Dental Collective, it’s a high-energy, no-fluff showdown designed to challenge perspectives, ignite conversations, and redefine dental education.